Tuesday, March 18, 2014

mod_rewrite does not overwrite properly

If your server does not rewrite properly then check the SELINUX property. This is for CentOS server. 
If it's set to permissive or enable then apache mod_write does not work properly. 

You should set the selinux to disabled mod and reboot the server. Then it should work fine. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Time not showing in Roundcube. ( Date column is blank)

When you installed Roundcube Mails are showing properly but the time of emails do not show.
This issue occurred due to php.ini file configuration.

You need to set correct time zone in the php.ini file.
vi /etc/php.ini
date.timezone = "UTC"

 then restart the apache service. That's all. Enjoy it.