Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Peer to Peer communication in FreePBX

This document pointing out the Direct RTP media or peer to peer communication of RTP.

I have managed to get Asterisk not to proxy media. I am running Freepbx and Asterisk on CentOS Linux 5.7 (Linux 2.6.18-274.3.1.el15.i686 - 32-bit) in Virtual machine. Directly connected to static IP.

It can be done under below conditions.
    --> NAT should be disabled in the FreePBX ( sip.conf, Extension)
    --> Network Devices and Phones should support for peer to peer communication (NO NAT)
    --> In the extensions recording features should be turned off.
    --> Should havedirect internet connection with static IP address

Setting changes in the SIP server, this is should be done via freepbx GUI
    1) Application -> Extensions -> 'canreinvite=yes' and 'nat=no'
    2) Settings -> Asterix SIP settings -> 'NAT=no' and 'IPconfiguratoin=static IP' and 'Reinvite Behavior=yes'
    3) Add below entries to Other SIP Settings
        --> 'directrtpsetup=yes' and
        --> 'keepalive=yes'
    4) Settings -> Advanced Settings -> "SIP canrenivite (directmedia)=yes" and "SIP nat=no"
    5) Settings -> General Settings -> "Asterisk Dial command options:" should be empty

I have used tcpdump tool to monitor the communicatoin between server and SIP phones. Then I were albe to recognized the peer to peer communication.

Reference : http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r27852319-Can-I-get-Asterisk-to-not-proxy-media-