Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Zimbra Error Queue report unavailable – mail system is down

Logged into the server and then checked the mail log and it continuously generating “Queue report unavailable – mail system is down”.
I have run the following to find out the root cause.
  1. Run the “df -hT” command to check the Hard disk space.
  2. top” command to check the memory usage of the system.
  3. Then run the /etc/init.d/zimbra status, it shows all the services running. No issues at all.
  4. Checked the “netstat -ant | grep 25” zimbra listening on the port as well.
So far other than the maillog error it does not give any error message. As usual, google the error message and found solution for the issue.
It's issue with the postfix master.pid file. To rectify it, need to remove the master.pid file and restart zimbra service again. Issue below commands.
  1. find / -name master.pid
  2. cd /opt/zimbra/data/postfix/spool/pid/
  3. mv master.pid master.pidori
  4. then /etc/init.d/zimbra restart
This will solve the issue.

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